2 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2025
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
Heavy rain led to flash floods in the Persian Gulf region,
- Dec 2020
www.cresquesproject.net www.cresquesproject.net
Across from the delta of the river Baldach lie the sea of the Indies and Persian. This is where they search for pearls which are taken to the city of Baldach. The fishermen say their enchantments before diving into the deep to make the fish flee.
This is the region now known to us as the Persian Gulf. It is interesting that the thing it is known for, according to the map maker, is pearls. Today the region is known for oil production. A bit of searching shows me the region has been known for pearls for thousands of years, however, so it is interesting to see how this association has shifted in modern times. Because our society prizes oil, that is what we have learned the region is famous for, but older societies prized things like pearls more.