5 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2017
www.learningsolutionsmag.com www.learningsolutionsmag.com
creates a highly personalized experience for the children while simultaneously alleviating privacy concerns.
courses.openulmus.org courses.openulmus.org
compare where their engagement levels stand against the rest of the class.
- Oct 2017
blog.blackboard.com blog.blackboard.com
If students do not complete the courses they need to graduate, they can’t progress.
The #retention perspective in Learning Analytics: learners succeed by completing courses. Can we think of learning success in other ways? Maybe through other forms of recognition than passing grades?
adaptivelearninginelt.wordpress.com adaptivelearninginelt.wordpress.com
The flexibility and social nature of how technology infuses other aspects of our lives is not captured by the model of Personalized Instruction, which focuses on the isolated individual’s personal path to a fixed end-point. To truly harness the power of modern technology, we need a new vision for educational technology (Enyedy, 2014: 16).
nepc.colorado.edu nepc.colorado.edu
recent studies show little evidence for the effectiveness of this model of integrating technology into the learning process.