4 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2023
    1. introduce professor quinn 00:01:13 sabodian he's the author of the book globalists the end of empire and the birth of neoliberalism where he traces ideas unusual lesser examined ideas about the origins 00:01:26 of neoliberalism right back to the breakup of the austro-hungarian empire and to strands of thought that um maybe are slightly unexpected was published by 00:01:38 harvard university press in 2018 and offers an enormous amount of insight into the variety of ideas that we call neoliberalism in our current era

      Quinn Slobodian - in his book "Globalists" traces roots of neoliberalism - back to the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian empire

    2. crack up capitalism that is a form of economic activity 00:04:47 propagated by people whose profit model and their kind of a normative vision of change and the social future relies on an idea of an accelerating process of social dissolution and an accelerating process of political 00:05:00 fragmentation this is a form of this is sort of a profit model and a kind of a political vision that sees an acceleration in the near future and the medium-term future 00:05:14 of processes of political crack-up
      • Definition
        • Crack-Up Capitalism is defined as
          • a form of economic activity
          • propagated by people
            • whose profit model and
            • their kind of a normative vision of
              • change and
              • the social future
            • relies on an idea
            • of an accelerating process of
              • social dissolution and
              • an accelerating process of political fragmentation
                • in the near future and
                • the medium-term future
    1. Book review of historian Quinn Slobodian's new book: Crack-up Capitalism

    2. “A hundred years ago, the robber barons built libraries. Today, they build spaceships.”
      • Quote
        • A hundred years ago, the robber barons built libraries. Today they build spaceships.
        • Author Quinn Slobodian