3 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2022
latin.stackexchange.com latin.stackexchange.com
[T.S.] Eliot stood—as he once famously said of himself—for conservatism in politics, classicism in literature, and Catholicism, or rather Anglo-Catholicism, in religion. He looked back into the past, the mediaeval past, as a confirmed laudator temporis acti and in the mediaeval past he looked back not only to John Donne among the metaphysical poets, nor only to William Shakespeare among the Elizabethan dramatists, but before them to the great Dante among Italian poets and behind Dante, though not so obviously, to St. Thomas Aquinas among the scholastic theologians. (From "T.S. Eliot's Metaphysics" by Peter Milward, Culture and Civilization 2009.)
- Jun 2022
www.themarginalian.org www.themarginalian.org
T. S. Eliot believed that the poet’s mind incubates fragmentary thoughts into beautiful ideas
- Sep 2016
www.bartleby.com www.bartleby.com
T.S. Eliot