- Nov 2021
forboredom.com forboredom.com
a desk, a chair, a pencil, some memos, some forms, an unending stream of tax returns in need of examination, and a clock.
Collecting objects, here in an act of boredom, removes them from their function.
Craig Dworkin wrotes Arcades in Zero Kerning: "What is decisive in collecting is that the object is detached from all its original functions in order to enter into the closest conceivable relation to things of the same kind. The relation is the diametric opposite of any utility, and falls into the peculiar category of completeness."
The act of collecting has the potential to transform objects into a function outside of everyday utility and monotony, and fulfill a spiritual need of completeness.
- Jun 2018
forboredom.realtimecollective.com forboredom.realtimecollective.com
a desk, a chair, a pencil, some memos, some forms, an unending stream of tax returns in need of examination, and a clock.
Collecting objects, here in an act of boredom, removes them from their function.
Craig Dworkin wrotes Arcades in Zero Kerning: "What is decisive in collecting is that the object is detached from all its original functions in order to enter into the closest conceivable relation to things of the same kind. The relation is the diametric opposite of any utility, and falls into the peculiar category of completeness."
The act of collecting has the potential to transform objects into a function outside of everyday utility and monotony, and fulfill a spiritual need of completeness.