4 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. technologies are “part of larger sociotechnical entanglements and thus give rise to knowledge and practices that are partial, situated, embedded and embodied, as well as implicated in a broader nexus of power relations”

      in Art on My Mind, bell hooks contends that discussing power and access related to race, gender, and class within the artworld is crucial in a time where nationalism, fascism, fundamentalism are on the rise;

      this is as poignant as it was in 1995, nearly 30 years ago, as it is today; one might even argue even more critical to apply to the design/HCI world with the advent of internet and social media;

    2. nstead of seeing an artwork as the work of an isolated genius, he sees it as the result of interactions between the artist and the world. Not only does every piece of art rely on “extensive division of labor”, it has a “social origin”, and all these forces play a critical role in shaping the final work.

      in Art on my Mind bell hooks challenges the assumption that Black artistic genius stems from the single person overcoming odds; here, the authors similarly recognize that in actuality, there are many societal, cultural, collaborative influence that shape creation.

  2. May 2022
    1. humane

      Hier klingelt bei mir etwas der erneuerte Humanismus Nida-Rümelins mit, auch wenn das natürlich hier kein Bezug ist. Aber lässt sich das in Beziehung setzen?



  3. Mar 2022
    1. Gramsci (who I put alongside Paolo Freire, Franz Fanon, bell hooks as one of the most important thinkers in education who's rarely recognized as such)

      Audrey Watters puts Antonio Gramsci, Paolo Freire, Franz Fanon, and bell hoods down as some of the most important thinkers in education.