3 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2024
www.coloradoboulevard.net www.coloradoboulevard.net
- Jul 2023
blackwells.co.uk blackwells.co.uk
Blackwell's seems to have Loeb Classical Library titles on perma-sale and includes shipping to the United States, so perhaps one of the least expensive means of collecting them.
- Oct 2020
www.kickscondor.com www.kickscondor.com
You see this in bookstores: staff recommendations. This is the store’s window into an infinite catalog of books. And it works. The system is: here are our favorites. Then, venturing further into the store: this is what we happen to have.
I spent some time on Wednesday chatting with the owner of a used bookstore that had a 10x10 foot "kiosk" space in a local mall next to a make up cart. He had one of the single most highly curated collections of used books in about 12 categories that I've ever seen. It was stunningly awesome.
I would never have expected this as a business to exist, but like itinerant booksellers of the 15th century, he's just doing what they've always done apparently.