4 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. As the British prime minister WilliamGladstone put it at the time in the Edinburgh Review, speaking of the remarkablePrussian success in the Franco-Prussian War: ‘Undoubtedly, the conduct of thecampaign, on the German side, has given a marked triumph to the cause ofsystematic popular education.’
    2. it was clear that the European and US competitors werebenefiting from these changes to the curriculum in advances in commerce, inindustry, and even on the battlefield.

      Compulsory education and changes in curriculum in the United States and some of it's competitors in the late 19th century clearly benefitted advances in commerce, industry, and became a factor in national security.

    3. Forster’sAct in 1870, which mandated education for all children up to the age of 10 inBritain.
  2. Oct 2022
    1. ‘Now, all this study of reckoning and geometry...must be presented to them while still young, not inthe form of compulsory instruction.’ ‘Why so?’ ‘Because,’ said I, ‘a free soul ought not to pursueany study slavishly; for while bodily labours performed under constraint do not harm the body,nothing that is learned under compulsion stays with the mind.’ ‘True,’ he said. ‘Do not, then, myfriend, keep children to their studies by compulsion but by play.’The Republic, 536d–e; 537a

      Apparently one couldn't ever force children to learn anything...