8 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
    1. Deployment: Significance of Branching for Continuous Delivery

      The deployment of software in DevOps is based on Continuous Delivery. Continuous Delivery enables all kinds of changes, including new features, configuration changes, bug fixes and experiments, to be put into production safely and quickly in a sustainable manner. A Branching strategy and Base Truncs play an important role in this.

  2. Apr 2021
    1. Coordination: More environments require more coordination. Teams need to track which feature is deployed to which environment. Bugs need to be associated with environments. Every environment represents a particular ‘state’ of the codebase, and this has to be tracked somewhere to make sure that customers & stakeholders are seeing the right things;

      Try to remember the last time you heard one of the following phrases:

      • "Oh, I deployed it in the X environment"
      • "It was working in the stage environment"
  3. www.gitops.tech www.gitops.tech
    1. GitOps doesn’t provide a solution to propagating changes from one stage to the next one. We recommend using only a single environment and avoid stage propagation altogether. But if you need multiple stages (e.g., DEV, QA, PROD, etc.) with an environment for each, you need to handle the propagation outside of the GitOps scope, for example by some CI/CD pipeline.
  4. May 2020
    1. It is often assumed that if we want to deploy software more frequently, we must accept lower levels of stability and reliability in our systems. In fact, peer-reviewed research shows that this is not the case—high performance teams consistently deliver services faster and more reliably than their low performing competition.
    1. What a lot of people don't realize is that a source control system is a communication tool. It allows Scarlett to see what other people on the team are doing. With frequent integrations, not just is she alerted right away when there are conflicts, she's also more aware of what everyone is up to, and how the codebase is evolving. We're less like individuals hacking away independently and more like a team working together.

      Source code management as a communication tool.

  5. May 2019
    1. Valdomiro Bilharvas - Squads mais eficientes com Devops

      Mais um caso prático que vai te mostrar a importância da preparação de um ambiente de desenvolvimento que facilita a vida de todos e garante entregas contínuas e de qualidade. O assunto é transversal a vários tópicos de nossa certificação DevOps Tools.

    2. João Brito - CI/CD - Pense um pouco além das ferramentas

      Continuous Integration e Delivery são também tópicos importantes da certificação LPI DevOps Tools, mas como o João Brito vai falar nessa palestra, é importante entender o porque do uso dessas ferramentas.

      701.4 Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (weight: 5)

  6. Mar 2019
    1. Implementando CI com GitLab

      Ainda que os tópicos da prova LPI DevOps não cubram apenas o Git para a integração contínua (ele é usado especialmente em Source Code Management), é muito importante conhecer bem os conceitos de integração e entrega contínua cobertos nessa palestra. Eles estão nesse tópico:

      701.4 Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery