7 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
  2. learn-eu-central-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-eu-central-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
    1. Collini turns to the OxfordEnglish Dictionary, which defines the humanitiesas ‘the branch of learning concerned with humanculture; the academic subjects collectively compris-ing this branch of learning, as history, literature,ancient and modern languages, law, philosophy, artand music’ (Collini 2021: 63

      This part explains the definition of Humanities according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

  3. Apr 2021
    1. glossolalia

      Merriam-Webster define glossolalia as

      ecstatic, typically unintelligible utterance occurring especially in a moment of religious excitation —usually plural

    1. ecstatic, typically unintelligible utterance occurring especially in a moment of religious excitation —usually plural


  4. Apr 2017
    1. Dictionary definitions give us an idea of how unstable the concepts are that can be signified by Signifyin(g).

      I imagine this instability results from signifyin as being a living rhetorical mode, something that is constantly evolving as it is practiced; I think it also suggests how oral and everyday it is--signifyin' and its different forms are in practice in everyday conversations among African Americans. It's difficult to capture something so oral and performative in something as rigid as definitions.

  5. Dec 2015
  6. cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net
    1. run him through the Lungs

      The act of stabbing someone, with the intent to kill them.

      Image Description

    2. Coxcombs

      People who present themselves in a grandiose manner, but are seen as vain fools who lack true knowledge or valid achievements; fops.

    3. fisking and giggiting

      To move in a swift manner or to scamper about.