26 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
  2. Aug 2021

      The visualization of data allows us to be able to see correlations and relationships. Without it was would have to constantly read the raw data and trust our interpretation of the math each and every time. That would be an overwhelming task that a visualization of the data allows to happen in seconds. This allows a lot of data to be conveyed in that short amount of time.


      This is a really good example of how visualization of data shows another component, in this instance how data in entertainment is used. You can visualize so much in a small amount of data. This image conveys physical data (height of people) in a vizual data format (a graph), which is included in the written data (this article). It is multi-layered and interrelated.


      Interactive components are a beautiful characteristic of the digital humanities realm. I know that many people who are worried about moving to many things over to the internet will make it less interactive as it is "just a screen". But components like this allow people to interact with data, something that can't be done on many other things than a screen.While there is valid concern in losing some of the physical data that some people find more interactive, I think that finding a balance between the two will allow knowledge to be the most accessible to the boardest population.

    4. I think that we sometimes forget that everything is raw data, we just don't see it that way. Everything that we see on each of our websites or even this site itself is all made up of raw data. The code is not what we see, but is what makes up what we see. I think that this last couple weeks of creating a project through my website give me a different level of appreciate for those who understand how to code and can create programs that I can then use for my project.

  3. Jul 2021

      I forget that data and visualization show up in entertainment as well. It is like this section says, you have to look outside of spreadsheets and text files to see that photos and status updates could also qualify. This just reminds me that data can be used in so many different ways and not just the more common ones you may think of off the top of your head. People like their entertainment so Facebook and OkCupid were most likely successful in using their data in that way.


      This is very true that it is easy to spout averages and numbers while lumping another human being in as a statistic. I agree that the numbers do represent individuals so the data should be approached that way too. If we start talking about the people being directly affected by it instead of just going by numbers and data points more people would probably relate to it and learn more about it. This link https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410028703 shows both the percentage and the actual number of people affected. This way we can see that the percentage does not seem all that big but the actual number of people affected is thousands.


      I like the way that this was worded. I always thought of data as just numbers that you plug in and learn things from but that was all it was to me. The fact that it can be as complex or as simple as you want or as long or as short as you want means that each piece of data is unique to the person who created it. This has reminded me of the class and all of our final projects. We may be using some of the same software or tools to make our projects or we may even have a similar topic to someone else but each one is still going to turn out different. We will use the software and tools in our own way to represent the point we are making. This is something I have found throughout the whole course which is that even though each piece of digital humanities seems like there would only be one way to do it like data sets, there are actually so many interpretations and ways you can go with it.

    1. subject, from, to, date and time sent, sending and receiving server names and IPs, format (plain text of HTLM), anti-spam software details.

      The metadata from some emails have been more useful than the information in the emails, it is often easier to search the "from" "to" and "subject" over the content of the email, since usually when I am trying to find an email it is because I forgot what the content was, but remember when I got it or who it was from. The idea of content seems to relate to the data that the metadata describes.

    2. a title, author name, publisher and copyright details, description on a back, table of contents, index, page numbers.

      The metadata that books use is most of what is used to create citations for books. The metadata gives us the information we need to let other people know where we got our information from. Both systems, citations and metadata, are nice standards of information that make it possible for me to find any source from a well written citation.

    3. date and time, filename, camera settings, geolocation.

      When looking through the pictures that I had taken on my phone I was not able to gather this information, beyond the date and time. I was able to go through a process to be able to see some more metadata on those photos (instructions here: https://appletoolbox.com/how-to-view-your-photo-metadata-in-ios-13-and-ipados/), but even that really only gave me information about how the picture was taken, I was not able to retrieve the location of where the photo was taken, but to be fair that may be restricted by a setting.

    4. Those are some typical metadata elements: Title and description, Tags and categories, Who created and when, Who last modified and when, Who can access or update.

      This list makes sense based on the definition of metadata above in the article saying that it helps organize, find and understand data. I would expect these elements to be a part of metadata because they all give information as to what you are looking at and who created it.

    5. Metadata is simply data about data. It means it is a description and context of the data. It helps to organize, find and understand data.

      The word metadata sounded way more advanced than my skill level in computers. I didn't really know what the word metadata meant until reading this article. The fact that it is just data about data makes it way easier to understand. I am finding that a lot of terms that we have used so far in class seemed hard to understand but are actually simple to do once they're broken down.

    1. filledwithpornwhenIlookedfor“blackgirls.”

      I remember reading an article about this a few years ago, and when I did the search then I think a few sites still came up, but searching for it this time around none came up. Instead, the results showed results such as: "A new report shows how racism and bias deny black girls their childhoods", "A Battle for the Souls of Black Girls", and "Why Won’t Society Let Black Girls Be Children?". It is so good to see progress. This also reminded me of another similar search result that I read about, which you can read here: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/apr/08/does-google-unprofessional-hair-results-prove-algorithms-racist-

    2. While I understand the point the author is making in regards to how the algorithms play a part in certain searches reaching the top, the point of the users of the search engine being the problem is also quite relevant to this discussion. It is disturbing to see how women are labelled and discriminated against through those searches, and this is an area where we need to make change. While I would love to be able to change the search autofill results so those searches no longer appear, it would threaten the integrity of the search engine and would set a precedent for how we present information. While I can agree with the author that there are some changes that need to made in the algorithm. just changing what is display because it is horrible (which it is) would not fix the issue. I think that the search engines, especially those open and available to the public need to retain some level of neutrality, and that if we start hiding what we don't like about our world instead of making a change we allow ourselves to focus on the what the data shows than where it is coming from. I think that influencing and changing individuals opinions and increasing education on things like critical race theory will have a deeper impact on our world, which seems to be the goal of the campaign.

    3. IaskquestionsaboutthestructureandresultsofwebsearchesfromthestandpointofaBlackwoman—astandpointthatdrivesmetoaskdifferentquestionsthanhavebeenpreviouslyposedabouthowGoogleSearchworks.

      I agree with this. I think we should be asking and questioning things because that is how we learn and develop our ideas and opinions. Once we start questioning all of these things we can take this new knowledge and start to make changes.

    4. AtthecoreofmyargumentisthewayinwhichGooglebiasessearchtoitsowneconomicinterests—foritsprofitabilityandtobolsteritsmarketdominanceatanyexpense.

      I don't believe that Google should be biasing search to its own economic interests. I find that when I am searching things that my ads are targeted to what I have looked at previously or something that Google thinks I will like. As well, some of the other ads are completely random and not related to anything I have searched. I think that Google should base its ads on equality as well as its searches so you gain accurate information and not something put up to serve their own economic interests.

    1. group together the “topics” found in a large set of texts.

      I would have loved to use a site like this when researching a topic that covers a large amount of material in some of my other classes. Being able to search by topic rather than by keyword allows for you to search for an reoccurring idea rather than a reoccurring word, as those two things don't always correlate. This would be an interesting adaption for film studies as well, to be able to search through films by topic rather than keyword or theme.

    1. offering stu-dents and colleagues.a representation far closer than anything in print

      The advancements in 3D printing have made visualizing things in history more tangible than ever. One great example being when they were able to 3d print the vocal cords of a mummy and "hear" a voice from 3,000 years ago (https://www.theburnin.com/science/mummy-nesyamun-3d-printed-vocal-cords-voice-2020-1/). This allows for an experience of that person that is for more personal than a piece of writing. Not only is 3d printing vital for the future and advancements moving forward, it can open up the past to us as well. Digital humanities can play the part of a time machine in that sense that it allows us to see a little into what our future may look like and what our past was.

    2. and grammar whereby the humanist constructed texts and presented them in books, speeches and letters.

      A device of rhetoric that is not as explored as thoroughly as those mentioned is storytelling. This form of literature/communication is central to many cultures, religions, and people groups. While not traditionally considered in the same line of thinking as written word, there are many projects that are working to digitize storytelling so that it can live on in the age of the digital. There are many projects that are being developed for educational use, along with those that are available to the public, such as this collection: https://www.ohneganos.com/digital-stories

    1. I know many scholars in the humanities do not feel that they can participate in digital humanities.

      I think that this sentence sums up how some students feel about taking digital humanities. The digital realm is ever-expanding and changing, even those who are quite familiar with it can have a hard time catching up to changes. There must be ways to make the digital humanities more accessible to those who struggle with using technology.

    1. His latest project, which he directs with Shannon Bradshaw, acomputer scientist at Drew, and Asa Simon Mittman, an art historianfrom California State University, Chico, is an online network ofmedieval maps and texts that scholars can work on simultaneously.

      The digital realm allows for greater collaboration that would not be possible in a purely analog world. Researchers from all around the globe can contribute to projects. Not only does this increase the amount of knowledge that can be shared, it diversified the sources of that knowledge. Because geographical location plays a smaller part in the digital world minorities are better able to share their knowledge and collaborate without being limited by location.

    2. Even historians, who have useddatabases before, have been slow to embrace the trend. Just one of thenearly 300 main panels scheduled for next year’s annual meeting of theAmerican Historical Association covers digital matters.

      The emergence of digital humanities, while somewhat unknown to an older generation, has been embraced by the new generations who have grown up with the internet. Even though I love to be able to read a physical book, the searchability of a online book can't be beat when it comes to research. It also allow for more accessibility, which we need to consider as we make education more accessible in general.

    3. “The digital humanities do fantastic things,” said the eminent Princetonhistorian Anthony Grafton. “I’m a believer in quantification. But I don’tbelieve quantification can do everything. So much of humanisticscholarship is about interpretation

      The digital humanities seems to attempt to bridge the subjective view of humanities with an objective perspective that data can offer. Through this new method, we may see a bigger picture by offering some quantification.

    4. This alliance of geeks and poets has generated exhilaration and alsoanxiety.

      While there does tend to be a strong division between the sciences and the arts, when combined there are many strengths. Each area of study has its own strengths, such as humanities dealing with the deep questions of humanity and our understanding (or misunderstanding) of it. However, the combining of these areas allows for the strength to increase, and for the area of study to become more specialized.

    5. The next big idea in language, history and the arts? Data.

      The idea of being able to look at the complex and deep ideas that are presented in the arts and literature in terms of data is really exciting. Not only does it contribute to a more diverse understanding of the collection of work available, but it increases the associability to those areas.