22 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2021

      I forget that data and visualization show up in entertainment as well. It is like this section says, you have to look outside of spreadsheets and text files to see that photos and status updates could also qualify. This just reminds me that data can be used in so many different ways and not just the more common ones you may think of off the top of your head. People like their entertainment so Facebook and OkCupid were most likely successful in using their data in that way.


      This is very true that it is easy to spout averages and numbers while lumping another human being in as a statistic. I agree that the numbers do represent individuals so the data should be approached that way too. If we start talking about the people being directly affected by it instead of just going by numbers and data points more people would probably relate to it and learn more about it. This link https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410028703 shows both the percentage and the actual number of people affected. This way we can see that the percentage does not seem all that big but the actual number of people affected is thousands.


      I like the way that this was worded. I always thought of data as just numbers that you plug in and learn things from but that was all it was to me. The fact that it can be as complex or as simple as you want or as long or as short as you want means that each piece of data is unique to the person who created it. This has reminded me of the class and all of our final projects. We may be using some of the same software or tools to make our projects or we may even have a similar topic to someone else but each one is still going to turn out different. We will use the software and tools in our own way to represent the point we are making. This is something I have found throughout the whole course which is that even though each piece of digital humanities seems like there would only be one way to do it like data sets, there are actually so many interpretations and ways you can go with it.

    1. Those are some typical metadata elements: Title and description, Tags and categories, Who created and when, Who last modified and when, Who can access or update.

      This list makes sense based on the definition of metadata above in the article saying that it helps organize, find and understand data. I would expect these elements to be a part of metadata because they all give information as to what you are looking at and who created it.

    2. Metadata is simply data about data. It means it is a description and context of the data. It helps to organize, find and understand data.

      The word metadata sounded way more advanced than my skill level in computers. I didn't really know what the word metadata meant until reading this article. The fact that it is just data about data makes it way easier to understand. I am finding that a lot of terms that we have used so far in class seemed hard to understand but are actually simple to do once they're broken down.

    1. IaskquestionsaboutthestructureandresultsofwebsearchesfromthestandpointofaBlackwoman—astandpointthatdrivesmetoaskdifferentquestionsthanhavebeenpreviouslyposedabouthowGoogleSearchworks.

      I agree with this. I think we should be asking and questioning things because that is how we learn and develop our ideas and opinions. Once we start questioning all of these things we can take this new knowledge and start to make changes.

    2. AtthecoreofmyargumentisthewayinwhichGooglebiasessearchtoitsowneconomicinterests—foritsprofitabilityandtobolsteritsmarketdominanceatanyexpense.

      I don't believe that Google should be biasing search to its own economic interests. I find that when I am searching things that my ads are targeted to what I have looked at previously or something that Google thinks I will like. As well, some of the other ads are completely random and not related to anything I have searched. I think that Google should base its ads on equality as well as its searches so you gain accurate information and not something put up to serve their own economic interests.

    3. TheGoogleSearchautosuggestionsfeaturedarangeofsexistideassuchasthefollowing:•Womencannot:drive,bebishops,betrusted,speakinchurch•Womenshouldnot:haverights,vote,work,box•Womenshould:stayathome,beslaves,beinthekitchen,notspeakinchurch•Womenneedto:beputintheirplaces,knowtheirplace,becontrolled,bedisciplined

      I can't believe that people are still thinking this way. Suggestions such as women cannot drive or be trusted and they should stay at home and be put in their places are not ones that we should be hearing anymore. Men and women are supposed to be viewed as equal and it shocked me that these came up as autosuggestions on Google Search. That shows that there is still a ways to go to fully achieve gender equality.

    1. A Digital Scholarly Edition: The Willa Cather Archive

      This website is what I kept picturing when I heard the words "digital humanities project". This is like most of the websites I have interacted with, with posts on the main page and categorized tabs at the top for anything else you are looking for. I think I could probably branch out and explore different ones now that I know the wide variety out there.

    2. A searchable map of the addresses contained in the 1956 Negro Travelers’ Green Book, which the user can filter by state or establishment type.

      I think that this idea for a digital project is really interesting. I like that they have mapped it out and you can click on a point to filter by state or establishment type to zero in on what interests you. I never thought that a digital humanities project could look like this. I think it is really cool how different all of these projects are on this site, yet they all fall under the umbrella of digital humanities.

    3. Many  students tell me that in order to get started with digital humanities, they’d like to have some idea of what they might do and what technical skills they might need in order to do it.

      I am usually that person who likes to know what they're getting into before they start. I like to know what skills I need as well so I can see if I will be able to do it easily or if it will be more of a learning curve. I definitely did not know anything about digital humanities before I started this class, but I am learning with each exercise we do. I think a lot of people like to be confident in what they are doing so to have some idea of what they are going to do and what skills they need is reassuring.

    1. Informal and pre-or postpublication communication with fellow scholars to share research questions or results was traditionally carried out through letter-writing, then by phone or fax and in the digi-tal age variably through Gophers, forums, chat rooms, RSS feeds, wikis, listservs and e-mail. Blogging is a way of discussing or sharing informa-tion on the web by uploading posts (discrete, usually brief notices). These are often displayed with the most recent item at the top.

      Blogging is a convenient way to get information out to an audience. Rather than letter-writing or phone, and then into email and chat rooms, blogging allows you to share information and knowledge by posting your thoughts. It can stay up for as long as you like, allowing a variety of people to view it. I think it is a way to share your ideas and get information out faster.

    2. Might we be approaching the time when the distinction created by the term homo Jaber, the human as maker, outside and above the world of her creations, becomes meaning-less in the world of the semantic web and 3D bacterial printing?

      I do not think the term homo faber, or human as maker has become meaningless because of the digital world of the web and 3D printing. The digital is using that term in a different way. Yes, digital things are done online with the help of certain tools and software, but it is still the human behind the screen. It is the human as maker with the ideas and creativity for these new digital concepts and the ability and knowledge to develop them. People can use the digital to enhance their ideas.

    3. Only most recently with the digital has this kit of tools begun to change rapidly and fundamentally. Yet in many ways these new digital tools carry on, in analogous ways, the same functions of the traditional humanities.

      I think it is true that for the most part the environments of the humanities have been things like the scholar's desk, lecture halls, campuses, and convention halls. In the last little bit there has been a shift from these environments in that the digital has now come in to play. I agree that the digital tools carry on the same functions as traditional humanities in comparable ways. We are still learning about the humanities by using a digital form, it is just a newer way of presenting them.

    1. , but most humanitiesprofessors remain unaware, uninterested or unconvinced that digitalhumanities has much to offer.

      Much like tparmar's comment, some of the professors I have had were not very willing to use technology. This was either because they did not know how or just did not like to use it. I think with the way things are going people are going to have to start using technology or at least know how to use it in order to do some things. Especially with this last year when everything was online many had no choice. A lot of professors I had learned new things by doing class online and also used different apps and modes of communication. Maybe it was not that they were uninterested in the digital humanities, it was more that they were unfamiliar with it and now that everyone has learned some of the basics it could continue into in-person things. I know that I had no idea what digital humanities could do and now that we have started talking about it I am excited to learn more.

    2. It’s easy to forget the digital media are means and not ends,” he added

      I like the way this was worded. I think that some people view digital media as an end and so there is not much you can do with it. What people are forgetting is that if digital media is a means, then that means there are so many things you could do with it and directions you could take. Digital media is the means to spark inspiration and generate new ideas on different subjects. It is also a different way to deliver things that could be more effective for some audiences.

    3. This latest frontier is about method,they say, using powerful technologies and vast stores of digitizedmaterials that previous humanities scholars did not have

      I agree that the latest frontier is about method. Methods change all the time with new ideas and developments taking place in every field. I think it is important to keep up with the changes and stay relevant because if you refuse to adapt a little bit you could lose some of your audience. Since scholars are using digitized materials that previous humanities scholars did not have they can take things to the next level and keep learning. Their work can be shown off in new and exciting ways.

    1. First, writing for a public audience using a blogging platform changes the way you write, because you are engaging a reader who can do things in relation to what you write.  The ability to insert a hyperlink or embed a YouTube video means you have to think about how your reader will engage those things in your text. What if they don’t click and continue to read?

      I agree that it will change the way you write. Because you are using a blogging platform you already know someone is going to read it or at least that is the goal. One of the main things I have learned in digital humanities so far is that there are different ways to do things. Writing for a blog or website is one of those different ways. Because you can use hyperlinks, add audio, or add video you need to be very clear in what you want to say in case some readers don't click on these links. They are added tools you can use to enhance your writing that you would not be able to get with a written paper but you have to engage your reader enough to want to click on them.

    2. In an interview with Michael Gavin and Kathleen Marie Smith, Brett Bobley rattles off a list of activities that fall under the umbrella of digital humanities. Some, like data mining, are commonly associated with digital humanities, but others, like media studies, less so. What links them together is technology, which Bobley describes as a “game changer”: “Technology has radically changed the way we read, the way we write, and the way we learn. Reading, writing, learning–three things that are pretty central to the humanities” [2].

      I completely agree that technology has changed the way we read, write, and learn. You can do all three of those things using a computer nowadays. I am doing it right now to write this post. In any assignment I get in a class I immediately go to online articles for research or start typing up notes on my laptop. I was not always so dependent upon it, when I was younger we used books and notebooks. Kids today are growing up with it almost right away though. I think everything is going to continue to be done digitally because that seems to be where we are heading. Technology links the components of digital humanities together and in the article Brett Bobley describes it as a game changer. I think that it is as well because we are learning new things and are going to be able to use the humanities in different ways.

    3. Some the individuals who attended were not only interested in undergraduate research as a co-curricular activity, but also the unicorn that is digital humanities. I know many scholars in the humanities do not feel that they can participate in digital humanities. However, I think there is at least one thing that all humanities scholars can do to digital into their humanities.

      I love that this referenced digital humanities as a unicorn. Being a unicorn sometimes means that the thing, in this case digital humanities, is desired but difficult to obtain. I could see that being true because everyone uses a computer these days so more and more people are looking for someone who knows how to work one and what they can do with it. I don't think it is super difficult to obtain, more that not everyone really understands what digital humanities is. I had no idea what it was I signed up for the course because I wanted to learn more. I think that everyone can learn how to participate in digital humanities especially since it is becoming more and more prevalent.

    1. If any single-word term can be used to describe this period, it would almost certainly be "consolidation." More people were using methodologies developed during the early period. More electronic texts were being created and more projects using the same applications were started. Knowledge of what is possible had gradually spread through normal scholarly channels of communication, and more and more people had come across computers in their everyday life and had begun to think about what computers might do for their research and teaching. The diffusion of knowledge was helped not only by Computers and the Humanities but also by a regular series of conferences. The 1970 symposium in Cambridge was the start of a biennial series of conferences in the UK, which became a major focal point for computing in the humanities. Meetings in Edinburgh (1972), Cardiff (1974), Oxford (1976), Birmingham (1978), and Cambridge (1980) all produced high-quality papers.

      I like the part that says "if any single-word term can be used to describe this period, it would almost certainly be "consolidation"". Computers have not been around for very long but their technology very quickly started advancing. Everything was then consolidated into one place: the computer. It seems like in the 70's and 80's people began to realize what a computer could do for them. I think it is interesting that the "diffusion of knowledge" was not just done through computers, it was still being done at conferences as well. People were using a combination of computers, technology, and conferences to share their knowledge. I think that is a piece of what digital humanities is.

    2. Unlike many other interdisciplinary experiments, humanities computing has a very well-known beginning. In 1949, an Italian Jesuit priest, Father Roberto Busa, began what even to this day is a monumental task: to make an index verborum of all the words in the works of St Thomas Aquinas and related authors, totaling some 11 million words of medieval Latin.

      I did not know that humanities computing had a very distinct beginning. I do not know much about it yet, that is why I am in this class. But a lot of other disciplines have an undetermined beginning or at most some educated guesses so I think that this discipline having a well-known beginning is very interesting.