14 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2023
github.com github.com
The thing is I'm finding trouble to dedicate to Ransack lately, so I can't really commit to any date.
- May 2022
github.com github.com
That's cool, I get it, it's unpaid open source work :)
github.com github.com
Sponsorship allows me to focus my efforts on open source software. I also provide professional consulting services.
disqus.com disqus.com
As for publishing this as an actual gem on rubygems.org...I have enough open source I'm involved in all ready (or too much, as my wife would probably say) and I'm not really interested in maintaining another gem.
- Mar 2021
I'm trying to get official time at work to dedicate to source maps, and haven't made much progress there.
faastruby.io faastruby.io
On the “lows” side, I’d say the worst thing was the impact of not being present enough for my family. I was working a full-time job and doing faastRuby on nights and weekends. Here I want to give a big shout out to my wife. She supported me through this and didn’t cut my head off in the process.
- Feb 2021
drylabs.io drylabs.io
Our mission is to allow people to make money via educational efforts and to dedicate the rest of their time to creating great open source products.
What does this mean exactly? "Our mission is to allow people to make money via educational efforts"
github.com github.com
Sorry for the delay, life got in the way. I should have some time to pick this up again next week.
- Jan 2021
At work, I cannot maintain this project. At home, I'd rather spend time with my children and on projects that I'm currently passionate about.
- Oct 2020
Over time Adam, Surplus' creator, had less and less time to spend on the project and I decided to take my own shot.
- Jul 2020
github.com github.com
Problem is, everyone's busy, so it can be days or even weeks before even a small PR is merged. So I'm stashing my stuff here as I write it. I'll still try to keep the PRs in motion, to gradually get some of this merged.
- Feb 2020
gsantner.net gsantner.net
I do develop Open-Source Software during leisure time, for free and whenever I have enough time, energy and motivation for it.
github.com github.com
This project is maintained for free by these people using both their free time and their company work time.
- Oct 2019
stackoverflow.blog stackoverflow.blog