13 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2022
Evrone always encourages the developers to work on what they love and contribute back to the software world by writing open-source, that's how Cuprite Ruby driver for Capybara was born.
- Mar 2022
rom-rb.org rom-rb.orgROM1
We are looking for sustainable sponsorship. If your company is relying on rom-rb or simply want to see rom-rb evolve faster to meet your requirements, please consider backing the project
- Apr 2021
github.com github.com
I also sell Sidekiq Pro and Sidekiq Enterprise, extensions to Sidekiq which provide more features, a commercial-friendly license and allow you to support high quality open source development all at the same time.
- Mar 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.orgPyPy1
PyPy was funded by the European Union being a Specific Targeted Research Project
github.com github.com
For the $$$ question, nothing comes to mind. These problems i'm hitting up against are larger than a contractor could solve in a few hours of work (which would be hundreds/thousands of dollars).
Yeah, can we pay money to make this go faster? Serious question.
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
Licensed under the LGPLv3 license. We also offer a commercial-friendly license.
github.com github.com
This project is provided by the LinkedIn Presentation Infrastructure team as open source software
drylabs.io drylabs.io
Our mission is to allow people to make money via educational efforts and to dedicate the rest of their time to creating great open source products.
What does this mean exactly? "Our mission is to allow people to make money via educational efforts"
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
We’re now relaunching PRO, but instead of a paid chat and (never existing) paid documentation, your team gets access to paid gems, our visual editor for workflows, and a commercial license.
2019.trailblazer.to 2019.trailblazer.to
Trailblazer (TRB) is an Open-Source project. Since we want to keep it that way, we decided to raise awareness for the “cost” of our work - providing new versions and features is incredibly time-consuming for us, but we love what we do.
This creates a win-win situation, you as the user have your peace of mind, and we can continue working with your funds.
github.com github.com
Great thanks to Blake Education for giving us the freedom and time to develop this project in 2013 while working on their project.