- Feb 2024
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
French hospital medicine came to be based on three pillars, none entirely new, but which together constituted a new way of looking at disease. The three pillars were physical diagnosis, pathologico-clinical correlation, and the use of large numbers of cases to elucidate diagnostic categories and to evaluate therapy
3 pillars to french hospital medicine;
-physical diagnosis -pathologico-clinical correlation -use of large numbers of cases to elucidate diagnostic categories + evaluate therapy
- Dec 2023
www.heilpflanzen-welt.de www.heilpflanzen-welt.de
Polyphenole sind ein Grundstoff für die körpereigene Vitamin C Synthese.
Die "offizielle Geschichte" behauptet, Menschen haben einen Gendefekt, der die Vitamin C Synthese verhindert... aber das ist eine Lüge, wie so viele andere "offizielle Geschichten" auch. Siehe auch: Official Stories. by Liam Scheff. Official stories exist to protect officials.
The Restoration of Vitamin C Synthesis in Humans
The full importance of vitamin C remains unappreciated by most health care practitioners today, as it is the most important nutrient in the body, and daily intake must be multigram in amount to even approach the benefits that vitamin C affords the body when optimally present. It has been well-established that the higher the blood levels of vitamin C, the longer and healthier the life.
The inability of most human livers to make vitamin C from glucose appears to be a combination of genetic and epigenetic defects. However, it has been discovered that the intake of hydroxytyrosol (HT) in the form of a quality olive leaf extract allows most of the consumers to substantially increase their blood levels of vitamin C. It would appear that HT effectively overcomes an epigenetic translation defect allowing the formation of GULO which can then complete the synthesis of vitamin C in the liver. And while the underlying genetic details remain to be clarified and completely understood, multiple studies have indicated that many humans do make vitamin C in utero and after birth, clearly indicating that the ability to synthesize vitamin C is a lost ability, rather than one that was never present. This also indicates that epigenetic (acquired) defects likely play the major role in adults not having the ability to make vitamin C.
Limited and small experiments have also indicated that humans supplementing HT not only have the return of the ability to make vitamin C, but also the ability to make much larger amounts of vitamin C when faced with acute toxic and/or infectious oxidative stress in the blood. This ability would be profoundly synergistic with all other beneficial treatments for different medical conditions.