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- Oct 2023
psychclassics.yorku.ca psychclassics.yorku.ca
In the main psychological and philosophical dictionaries, textbooks, and leading world encyclopaedias there are for the most part three different opinions of the origin of this term which, as the word denoting scientific or philosophic dealing with the phenomena of psychic (subjective, conscious) life, has now come into very wide use. All the three names connected with the formation of the term "psychology" are the names of the people of German origin from the 16th century. Two of them are of little significance: Rudolf Göckel and Otto Casmann, while the third is very famous and generally known: Filip Melanchton
It is important to state that these three names are important for the origin of psychology. Though the original philosopher may be unclear, the names listed in the paragraph were the first to document using the term "psychology".