- Nov 2022
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Applying the self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student engagement in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
-I will download the full article in EBSCO
-This article will give me insight into how the self-determination theory helped with student engagement during the online learning they received during covid pandemic.
-rating 7/10
Chiu, T. K. (2022). Applying the self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student engagement in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 54(sup1), S14-S30.
Leading and Teaching with Technology: School Principals' Perspective
This article will provide me with insight into how the use of technology has changed in the grade school education system based on principals' perspectives.
rating 8/10
Ugur, N. G., & Koç, T. (2019). Leading and Teaching with Technology: School Principals' Perspective. International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management, 7(1), 42-71.