- Nov 2022
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Applying the self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student engagement in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
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-This article will give me insight into how the self-determination theory helped with student engagement during the online learning they received during covid pandemic.
-rating 7/10
Chiu, T. K. (2022). Applying the self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student engagement in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 54(sup1), S14-S30.
Leading and Teaching with Technology: School Principals' Perspective
This article will provide me with insight into how the use of technology has changed in the grade school education system based on principals' perspectives.
rating 8/10
Ugur, N. G., & Koç, T. (2019). Leading and Teaching with Technology: School Principals' Perspective. International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management, 7(1), 42-71.
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Teachers’ Use of Technology in Elementary Reading Lessons
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-This article will provide me with teaching strategies that use technology in elementary reading lessons.
-rating 8/10
McDermott, P., & Gormley, K. A. (2016). Teachers’ use of technology in elementary reading lessons. Reading Psychology, 37(1), 121-146.
docs.lib.purdue.edu docs.lib.purdue.edu
Elementary Teachers’ Views about Teaching Design, Engineering, and Technology
This article will provide me with insight on the views elementary teachers have on design, engineering and technology.
rating 8/10
Hsu, M. C., Purzer, S., & Cardella, M. E. (2011). Elementary teachers’ views about teaching design, engineering, and technology. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 1(2), 5.
Elementary School Teachers and Teaching with Technology
This article will provide me insight into teaching with technology at the elementary school level.
rating 6/10
Varol, F. (2013). Elementary School Teachers and Teaching with Technology. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 12(3), 85-90.
search.informit.org search.informit.org
Putting transformative learning theory into practice
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-This article will provide me with examples of how transformative learning theory can be put into practice in higher education settings and its limitations.
-rating 7/10
Christie, M., Carey, M., Robertson, A., & Grainger, P. (2015). Putting transformative learning theory into practice. Australian journal of adult learning, 55(1), 9-30.
nsuworks.nova.edu nsuworks.nova.edu
Experiential Learning Theory as a Guide for Experiential Educators in Higher Education
This article will provide me with an overview of the experiential learning theory and how it can be applied to higher education settings.
-rating 8/10
Kolb, A. Y., & Kolb, D. A. (2017). Experiential learning theory as a guide for experiential educators in higher education. Experiential Learning & Teaching in Higher Education, 1(1), 7-44.
bera-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com bera-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Examining some assumptions and limitations of research on the effects of emerging technologies for teaching and learning in higher education
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-This article will give me perspective on the limitations of current research on teaching and learning with technology in higher education settings.
-rating 8/10
Kirkwood, A., & Price, L. (2013). Examining some assumptions and limitations of research on the effects of emerging technologies for teaching and learning in higher education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(4), 536-543.
www.scielo.org.mx www.scielo.org.mx
The integration of information technology in higher education: a study of faculty's attitude towards IT adoption in the teaching process
-This article will provide me with insight as to faculty's attitudes towards adopting new technologies and incorporating them in higher education settings.
-rating 7/10
John, S. P. (2015). The integration of information technology in higher education: A study of faculty's attitude towards IT adoption in the teaching process. Contaduría y administración, 60, 230-252.
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Teaching with Technology: Using Tpack to Understand Teaching Expertise in Online Higher Education
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-This article provides an overview of how midwestern university professors use technology and teaching pedagogies to teach online courses.
-rating 7/10
Benson, S. N. K., & Ward, C. L. (2013). Teaching with technology: Using TPACK to understand teaching expertise in online higher education. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 48(2), 153-172.
Teaching with Technology: Using Tpack to Understand Teaching Expertise in Online Higher Education
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-This article provides an overview of how midwestern university professors use technology and teaching pedagogies to teach online courses.
-rating 7/10
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Using technology for teaching and learning in higher education: a critical review of the role of evidence in informing practice
-I will download the full article in EBSCO.
-This article will provide me with insight into whether the use of technology in higher education classrooms is effective.
-rating 6/10
Price, L., & Kirkwood, A. (2014). Using technology for teaching and learning in higher education: A critical review of the role of evidence in informing practice. Higher Education Research & Development, 33(3), 549-564.
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Teaching and technology in higher education: student perceptions and personal reflections
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-This article provides insight to students perspectives of how they learned with technology in their higher education classrooms.
-rating 7/10
Milliken, J., & Barnes, L. P. (2002). Teaching and technology in higher education: student perceptions and personal reflections. Computers & Education, 39(3), 223-235.
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Teaching with technology in higher education: understanding conceptual change and development in practice
- I will download the full article through EBSCO.
-This article will provide me with insight on how to use technology to teach in higher education settings. This presents what conceptual change means and how it has been used in higher education settings.
-rating 6/10
Englund, C., Olofsson, A. D., & Price, L. (2017). Teaching with technology in higher education: understanding conceptual change and development in practice. Higher Education Research & Development, 36(1), 73-87.
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Teaching excellence in higher education: critical perspectives
-This article will provide me insight on what excellent teaching looks like in higher education settings.
-rating 6/10
Gourlay, L., & Stevenson, J. (2017). Teaching excellence in higher education: Critical perspectives. Teaching in Higher Education, 22(4), 391-395.
www.middlesex.mass.edu www.middlesex.mass.eduastin 841
Student Involvement: A Developmental Theoryfor Higher Education
-This article will provide me with an overview of the learning theory known as student involvement and how it can be used in higher education settings.
-rating 7/10
Astin, A. W. (1984). Student involvement: A developmental theory for higher education. Journal of college student personnel, 25(4), 297-308.
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Evaluation of competence-based teaching in higher education: From theory to practice
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-This article will provide me with insight on the evaluation of competence-based teaching theory in higher education and how it is put into practice.
-rating 8/10
Bergsmann, E., Schultes, M. T., Winter, P., Schober, B., & Spiel, C. (2015). Evaluation of competence-based teaching in higher education: From theory to practice. Evaluation and program planning, 52, 1-9.
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How should the higher education workforce adapt to advancements in technology for teaching and learning?
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-This article will provide me with insight into how to use technology for teaching and learning in higher education settings.
-rating 8/10
Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2012). How should the higher education workforce adapt to advancements in technology for teaching and learning?. The Internet and Higher Education, 15(4), 247-254.
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Peer-to-peer Teaching in Higher Education: A Critical Literature Review
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-This article will provide me with information on the popular learning theory of social constructivism and its benefits.
-rating 7/10
Stigmar, M. (2016). Peer-to-peer teaching in higher education: A critical literature review. Mentoring & Tutoring: partnership in learning, 24(2), 124-136.
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Technology-enhanced learning and teaching in higher education: what is ‘enhanced’ and how do we know? A critical literature review
-I will download full article in EBSCO.
-This article will give me some insight on what technology- enhanced learning means and how it has been incorporated in higher education settings.
rating 7/10
Kirkwood, A., & Price, L. (2014). Technology-enhanced learning and teaching in higher education: what is ‘enhanced’and how do we know? A critical literature review. Learning, media and technology, 39(1), 6-36.