2 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2024
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It only means, your caps lock key is a tiny bit sticky. If you want to, give a drop of barbecue igniting fluid to the hinge. This will flush the grime out.
Suggestion to use "barbecue igniting fluid"! 🤣
- Oct 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Zippo Lighter Fluid (Naphtha)
While Zippo lighter fluid (Naphtha) is a bit more expensive per ounce than other solvents (mineral spirits, lacquer thinner, et al), it does usually come packaged in a dispensing container that may make it easier to dispense in a directed method into the internals of typewriters for cleaning them out.
The other benefit is that some may have it on hand for general household use without needing to make a separate trip to the hardware store.
via, but not really directly suggested by https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1g9ntnj/lubricant_reccomendations/