4 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2021
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Comedian Henny Youngman was famous for one-liners delivered in a deadpan manner. Much of his humor was both wry and dry. For example, his most famous line: Take my wife ... please. If you never saw the delivery, "Take my wife" was said as if he was using his wife as an example to set up a situation, as in "Take my wife [for example]." After a brief pause, the "please" turned it into a request.
"Dry" humor is often called deadpan humor because it is delivered with a straight face and a serious tone, as if it is not intended to be funny.
simplicable.com simplicable.com
Dry humor is a delivery technique. As such, it shouldn't be confused with specific types of humor or with sarcasm. Sarcasm is delivered without humor because it's generally not funny but intended to mock or convey contempt. Dry humor pertains to something funny.
Dry humor is a comedic technique of delivering humor as if you didn't intend to be funny.