137 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2021
    1. bleached
    2. bleaching
    3. bleached
    4. bleach
    5. died
    6. bleaching
    7. death
    8. bleaching
    9. bleach
    10. bleached
    11. bleached
    12. bleaching
    13. bleaching
    14. bleaching
    15. bleaching
    16. bleaching
    17. visibly paler
    18. bleached
    19. bleached
    20. bleaching
    21. bleaching
    22. bleached
    23. bleached
    24. bleaching
    25. bleaching
    26. bleaching
    27. bleaching
    28. bleaching
    29. bleached
    30. Bleaching
    31. bleached
    32. bleach
    33. bleaching
    34. bleaching
    35. bleaching
    36. bleaching
    37. bleaching
    38. bleaching
    39. bleach
    40. bleached
    41. bleach
    42. bleach
    43. bleach
    44. bleach
    45. bleaching
    46. bleaching
    47. Bleaching
    48. reduced p .r ratios.
    49. reduced colony photos~theti~ rates
    50. high and sustained colony respiratory rates
    51. reduced poputation densities
    52. iow pigment content
    53. bleaching
    54. bleaching
    55. bleaching
    56. Bleaching



    1. calcification
    2. calcification
    3. calcifica-tion
    4. calcification
    5. calcification
    6. bleaching
    7. calcification
    8. calcification
    9. calcification
    10. Calcification
    11. calcification rates
    12. calcification rates
    13. calcification
    14. calcification rates
    15. calcification
    16. calcification
    17. Calcification rates
    18. calcification
    19. decrease in the calci-fication rate
    20. decreased skeletal growth
    21. calcifi-cation
    22. calcification
    23. calcification
    24. calcification
    25. calcification
    26. calcification
    27. calcifi-cation rate
    28. calcification
    29. calcifica-tion
    30. calcification
    31. calcification
    32. coral reef calcification
    33. calcification
    34. reef calcification
    35. calcifying
    36. calcifying
  2. Apr 2020
    1. Graphically, interactions can be seen as non-parallel lines connecting means when we are working with the simple two-factor factorial with 2 levels of each main effect (adapted from Zar, H. Biostatistical Analysis, 5th Ed., 1999). Remember interactions are referring to the failure of a response variable to one factor to be the same at different levels of another factor. So when lines are parallel the response is the same. In the plots below you will see parallel lines as a consistent feature in all of the plots with no interaction. In plots depicting interactions, you notice that the lines cross (or would cross if the lines kept going).

      Main and interaction effects - graphs