2 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2023
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- ego as illusion
- not I, but we? (relate to concept of environments/ extending mind/extending self)
- awareness to what is (all of our experience, surroundings, organisms)
- body "I?" as part of a greater nature, Allah, and everything else (part of oneness we participate in)
- ego as construct (things we tell ourselves, beliefs)
- ego as illusion (are we a center of consciousness/energy? it causes opposition)
- we are the body, as part of the natural environment
- no self, as system (organs)
- self as organism that goes together with other organisms/see extended mind as extended self, maybe different phrasing)
- I as organism/environment, but ego as opposing it
- confusing symbols with reality of the world itself (see Tolle on interpretation as removing from present)
- caused by stories to ourselves, by others, looking at mirror/listening etc. "creating of image of self/mask" (persona), as a social institution (construct of self/ego), it is useful (helpful for navigation, but it is abstract)
- hides of ourselves, entirely unconscious, to external world etc. (things that are essential to us, we don't perceive, bec of the ego)
- sensations of "I" is false (cutting off your complete experience, all organisms, everything in ones awareness, not closed off)
- forcing the mind/concentrate is thinking to ourselves (for example, how we ought to read thst difficult book)
- distracting ourselves from reality
- destroying environment as destroying the body
- "you can't rid of it" (that is the ego, trying to get rid of the ego, a circle) answer: do nothing (ego asking the question)
- you can't control anything, like thoughts, feelings, other organisms, they are as they are, so you don't do anything, you see, you feel, observe, you are not "you" , you as the whole world (and creator), as experience
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naming (interpretation) as reducing reality (harder with people than nature, people labeling themselves), perceive it/be aware "mental abstractions is not life"
- reference earlier note on filtered reality