4 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. Animating text

      Animating your text gives you more control over your audience's attention. You can easily move around graphics, but if the moving object is text you want your audience to read, they will follow along to gather the information within the text. It is important not too move your text around too much as this can also be a double edged sword.

    2. Much of their success can be attributed to their ability to keep viewers’ attention

      Very important, most viewers on social platforms are Goldfish Brains. They will eventually click/engage with something that captures their attention based on the graphics and keywords used in the caption or thumbnail.

    3. Anything from a small social ad to a documentary can utilize motion graphics for various benefits like comprehension and engagement.

      True again. Many websites, this one included has 10+ visual graphics in the form of; videos, images and gifs. Unfortunately, they end up annoying most viewers than engaging with them if their aim is to read.

  2. Oct 2021