5 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. even if we were successful in phasing out fossil fuels, we would still fail. on  the climate boundary. We would still breach the 1. 5 degree Celsius boundary if we do not come back  into the safe space on the biosphere boundaries. Because biodiversity, freshwater, land, and  nutrients will determine the ability of the planet to buffer

      for - quote - Johan Rockstrom - successful phase of of fossil fuels - is a necessary but not sufficient condition for station under 1.5 degree Celsius

  2. May 2020
    1. It may be the case that several sufficient conditions, when taken together, constitute a single necessary condition (i.e., individually sufficient and jointly necessary)
    2. being a male is a necessary condition for being a brother, but it is not sufficient—while being a male sibling is a necessary and sufficient condition for being a brother
    3. in order for human beings to live, it is necessary that they have air