2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. On-Demand Food Delivery App Solution

      Want to grow your food delivery business quickly? Then get in touch with Quickworks and integrate our best food delivery app solution to automate the process and enhance work productivity to improve your business operations. For more information, you can visit our website or call us at +1 (512) 872 3364.

  2. Aug 2022
    1. Annotate Books has added a 1.8-inch ruled margin on every page. The ample space lets you to write your thoughts, expanding your understanding of the text. This edition brings an end to does convoluted, parallel notes, made on minute spaces. Never again fail to understand your brilliant ideas, when you go back and review the text.

      This is what we want to see!! The publishing company Annotate Books is republishing classic texts with a roomier 1.8" ruled margin on every page to make it easier to annotate texts.

      It reminds me about the idea of having print-on-demand interleaved books. Why not have print-on-demand books which have wider than usual margins either with or without lines/grids/dots for easier note taking and marginalia?

      Link to: https://hypothes.is/a/C5WcYFhsEeyLyFeV9leIzw