5 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2019
outline.com outline.com
Another way to promote surveillance integrity would be to do something analogous to the way media businesses use crowdsourcing to rate everything from doctors to taxi drivers. Along these lines we propose creating a third-party validation of surveillance recordings.
I ike that he is offering actions and solutions ti better this issue and solve some problems attracted
After the shooting, the police seized the four recordings of the event and reported that all were blank, even though transit officials had already viewed the shooting.
Well, surveillance will always be corrupted in a state that has institutionalized police and that mechanism of power, to reinforce the ideologies of the bousougie who design the socialization, views and perceived liberty/freedom.
Hollow-point bullets are used by law enforcement but illegal in war.
body worn cameras.
my day has security cameras around his house and connected directly to his phone and computer and he also wears a body cam
r, individual police
Wonder why this link does not work. Why did ABC take down their pages on "individual police"?