2 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2020
Inspectional Reading We’ve been taught that skimming and superficial reading are bad for understanding. That is not necessarily the case. Using these tools effectively can increase understanding. Inspectional reading allows us to look at the author’s blueprint and evaluate the merits of a deeper reading experience.
I think this is where I've been able to use #ADHD to it's advantages at times is with [[inspectional reading]] - being able to skim a large amount of content and get a sense of what I want to dig into later on or not.
Getting the Questions Clear — Rather than focus on the problems the author is trying to solve, you need to focus on the questions that you want answered.
Knowing what you are looking for is important, usually when I dig into reading something - I do have questions in mind.
I've also been littering my notes recently with #question tags - how can I make better use of these?
I think this can help avoid the 'reading just for the sake of keeping busy' - if I know what I am looking for, but also at the same time - know if a book is worth reading, or one I should quit reading.