3 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2023
sonec.org sonec.org
The basic SoNeC framework is designed with European values, e.g. tolerance, mutual respect,non-discrimination, solidarity and gender equality in mind.
for: SONEC - expanding globally, Global North South sister city program
- For globally expanding SONEC, it is also important to consider other cultural values outside the European lens and to also address the structural inequalities of colonialism
- For a globalized SONEC, one suggestion is to create a sister city program based on reparation from colonial injustice and integrating a climate justice component
- Sep 2023
www.mprnews.org www.mprnews.org
- for: sister city, sweet spot, example, example - sweet spot, example - sister city
- comment
- Example
- TPF sister city program
- optimum size and sweet spot for population cohorts for climate action
- community cooperative
- Example
- May 2022
www.usmcu.edu www.usmcu.edu
Accordingly, to allow for a peaceful solution, payment in the form of reparations or a substantial commitment to support the global hyper-response burden on the part of the Western world may hasten a geopolitical shift toward an era of cooperation around the shared threat.
A bottom up approach can be tried instead in which trust bonds are automatically stronger - form citizen sister city groups between the global north and the global south of each state as well as local north and local south within each city