2 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
what you see in a lot of modern politics is this delicate dance between conservatives and 00:24:40 liberals which I think that uh uh for many generations they agreed on the basics their main disagreement was about the pace that both conservatives and 00:24:52 liberals they basically agree we need some rules and also we need the ability to to change the rules but the conservatives prefer a much slower Pace
for: quote - social constructs - liberals and conservatives, social norms - liberals and conservatives, insight - social norms
in other words
- the tug of war between liberals and conservatives is one of the difference in pace of accepting new social norms
adjacency between
- social norms
- liberal vs conservative
- stories
- adjacency statement
- When stories are different between different cultural groups, the pace of accepting the new social norm can need quite different due b to the stories being very different
- May 2015
oxfordstudent.com oxfordstudent.com
The world wondered whether this self-imposed isolation was idiosyncrasy, or something more serious.
This is baffling! An adult can choose for himself. There is nothing remotely wrong in living with your family!