3 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2021
hyperlink.academy hyperlink.academy
people reading the same book at the same time, exploring the same ideas…Norms around signalling you're interested in something, and the extent of your interest, would go far
How do we find the connections we don't know we're looking for?
- Jun 2021
Our world is shaped by humans who make decisions, and technology companies are no different…. So the assertion that technology companies can’t possibly be shaped or restrained with the public’s interest in mind is to argue that they are fundamentally different from any other industry
We are part of sociotechnical systems.
- Feb 2021
medium.com medium.com
AI agents can acquire novel behaviors as they interact with the world around them and with other agents. The behaviors learned from such interactions are virtually impossible to predict, and even when solutions can be described mathematically, they can be “so lengthy and complex as to be indecipherable,” according to the paper.
The sheer number of interacting variables that you'd need to track makes it impossible to make any accurate predictions.