9 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2020
A contrasting relationship occurs when you combineseparate typefaces and elements that are clearly distinct fromeach other. The visually appealing and exciting designs thatattract your attention typically have a lot of contrast built in,and those contrasts are emphasized
we gotta aim for contrasting type relationships.
Or use a character from a dingbat orornament font, as you can see in this bulleted list you are readingright now (you might need to make the ornament larger or smallerthan the text, depending on the dingbat you choose).
you can also use a dingbat font for decoration/ornament font. Might need to make it larger.
Use bullets or ornaments in a list, not hyphens: When listingitems, please don’t use hyphens.
bullets or ornaments not hyphens
• = Option 8 on a Mac
first paragraph following a headingor subhead does not need an indent. Ever.
first paragraph does not need an indent, ever.
Paragraph indent or extra space between paragraphs:
An indent or extra space between paragraph, but not both
Paragraph indents:
One em dash and an em space is equal to the point size of the type you are using. Thus if you are using 12-point type, the paragraph indent is 12 points or about to Spacebar spaces.
Punctuation in parentheses: Just in case you are not clear onwhether punctuation goes inside or outside parentheses, here is thegrammatical rule.
punctuation goes inside if it's own standalone sentence, and not a part of the original sentence.
Punctuation following styled text: If you have a word styled inbold or italic or a different font, the punctuation immediatelyfollowing the last character should be in the same style.
punctuation following a styled text should match
This is a short list of professional typographic niceties which, if youfollow, will prevent your work from looking amateurish.
"typographic niceties"