3 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
here is no such exterior observational point.
Meaning isnot a property of individual words or groups of words but an ongoingperformance of the world in its differential intelligibility.
Notice the lack of reference to some "scientific observer" outside of the system who could "measure" meaning. She only refers to what is going on in the actual world.
abstract independently existing “object”
Since forever, apparently, science has relied on Aristotle's "Unmoved Mover," in a sense. Not a god exactly, but some real or imagined unaffected observer whose presence serves as a fixed point from which to accumulate data. Why are we tempted to think this way? Aren't we all moving? What fixed point is there? I'm tempted to go back to the analogy of floating baskets tied together. There is an illusion of being grounded, but we aren't really.
- floating baskets
- barad
- coherence theory
- unmoved mover
- She's consistent folks
- science
- unobserved observer