5 Matching Annotations
- May 2021
github.com github.com
No it doesn't. I've simply told SvelteKit to ignore the type error from credentials missing. If there's some other issue or missing feature it's not blocked by this. That being said, I wouldn't mind getting this change in
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
Any idea @AaronLasseigne if this is mergeable?
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
Can this be merged please, this fixes a problem I have
- Oct 2020
But maybe this PR should still be merged until he finds time for that?
Sorry this sat for so long!
- open-source software: progress seems slow
- waiting for maintainers to review / merge pull request / give feedback
- don't let big plans/goals get in the way of integrating/releasing smaller changes/improvements
- pull request stalled
- big change/rewrite vs. continuous improvements / smaller refactorings
- not a blocker (issue dependency)
- iterative process