4 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2023
colaboracion.dnp.gov.co colaboracion.dnp.gov.co
Construcción de la Universidad del Macizo en LaVega
Construcción de la Universidad del Macizo en La Vega
colaboracion.dnp.gov.co colaboracion.dnp.gov.co
Se implementarán programas territoriales de ordenamiento ygobernanza alrededor del ciclo del agua con enfoque de derechos y justiciaambiental, para la resolución de conflictos socioambientales y la gestión adaptativa
Ordenamiento Territorial en torno al Agua. Se priorizarán proyectos en El Macizo.
blog.degruyter.com blog.degruyter.com
In 1882, work first started on the Sagrada Familia, Antonio Gaudi’s art nouveau masterpiece in Barcelona, Spain. The basilica is still under construction today.
The Sagrada Familia basilica began construction in 1882, in Barcelona Spain. The art nouveau building designed by Antonio Gaudi is expected to be completed in 2026.
- Sep 2020
estonia-paradise-of-the-north.blogspot.com estonia-paradise-of-the-north.blogspot.com
Rail Baltica will be a new high speed train service that links all three of the Baltic States with the rest of Europe. The 870 km train track will see regular daily services between Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius and Warsaw where passengers can then change to connecting trains in Poland to reach other European cities.
Well, this is an exciting prospect for 2026!