9 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Jun 2019
    1. About 27 tonnes of fresh fuel is required each year by a 1000 MWe nuclear reactor. In contrast, a coal power station requires more than two and a half million tonnes of coal to produce as much electricity. (1)Enriched UF6 is transported to a fuel fabrication plant where it is converted to uranium dioxide powder. This powder is then pressed to form small fuel pellets, which are then heated to make a hard ceramic material. The pellets are then inserted into thin tubes to form fuel rods. These fuel rods are then grouped together to form fuel assemblies, which are several meters long. 
  3. May 2017
    1. Odd spacing between the HOME and the MENU button. Possibly move them closer to each other, or add another button in between.

    2. Nice logo styling! Good use of alignment, and positioning. Also the contrast, really makes it stand out well!

    1. Instead of simply posting an image of the menu, possibly integrate it into the website so that people can scroll through it.

    1. orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nec pulvinar odio. Ut dui ante, finibus non tortor congue, lobortis suscipit elit. Duis in nisi convallis, tincidunt ligula vitae, porta libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sit amet rhoncus orci. Aenean nec nibh diam. Vivamus vulputate aliquam laoreet. Quisque aliquet nisl mi, sit amet porta augue condimentum aliquam. Morbi a purus ut velit laoreet ultrices. Integer eu purus fermentum, accumsan mi eget, vestibulum erat. Maecenas at diam id turpis sollicitudin consequat. Nullam feugiat nec nisi ut dapibus. Praesent id velit lorem. Ut purus turpis, venenatis sodales purus non, luctus egestas mauris. Maecenas malesuada tempus ex, ac molestie nisi lacinia eu. Duis justo massa, porttitor et mauris at, aliquam aliquet erat. Mauris pulvinar erat libero, sed dictum nibh convallis vel. Nulla elementum hendrerit sem nec bibendum. Quisque non molestie metus. Maecenas dignissim orci sit amet elementum convallis. Donec molestie felis sed nulla sagittis vulputate. Suspendisse in eros pretium justo placerat consequat. Duis nisl nunc, dignissim id vulputate quis, rutrum a nunc. Pellentesque tristique tortor sed tellus aliquet vestibulum. Nulla suscipit est non nunc elementum, ac consequat nulla egestas. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam nec dolor ac dui tincidunt pharetra id ut arcu. Nam ac mattis leo. Duis semper velit vitae magna commodo tempus. Donec commodo pellentesque congue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

      A possible suggestion I can make here is to increase the spacing between each line to increase readablility.

    1. Tobiko Sushi: Fleetwood Plaza Monday-Saturday: 11AM - 9PM Sunday: 12PM - 8PM TEL: 604 572 5005 Address: 102-15951 Fraser Highway Surrey BC V4N 0Y3

      Nice grid layout. A suggestion I can make here is to increase the spacing between the location maps, so that there is slightly a bit more whitespace to increase breathing room.

    2. Home About Menu

      I like the nice use of proximity to cluster the related menu items together, so that it is easy to find for the user.

  4. May 2015
    1. When the hurlyburly's done,

      When the hurlyburly's done, at 235..262