- Apr 2017
www.steve-wheeler.co.uk www.steve-wheeler.co.uk
these do not replace the conventional literacies of reading and writing, speaking and listening, but are supplemental to them
they could also be seen as different facets of conventional literacies. I see relationships with the ACRL Framework
www.niemanlab.org www.niemanlab.org
‘truth’ is something generally believed by people in a position to know, that are likely to tell the truth
I need to think about how this relates to the long-running discussion of truth and the Framework
- May 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
building blocks of the web and encouraging them to take an active role in the construction of their own digital identity
info has value - owning/controlling your own space & identity online constructing identity - constructing authority
- Apr 2016
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
It highlights the importance of learner agency, learning in public, control over one’s digital identity, and the increasing importance of Web literacies.
Consider all the ways this ties to the ACRL Framework
designerlibrarian.wordpress.com designerlibrarian.wordpress.com
Decide where and how their information is published;
connects directly to DoOO
designerlibrarian.wordpress.com designerlibrarian.wordpress.com
critical comparison of similar messages delivered through multiple modes
hands on experience with creating media would be useful
Utilize information modalities that fit the needs and expectations of the activity and community of practice.
connects to DoOO - engage in processes to understand them, practice in multi media
reflective blogging is a way to do this - using comm. modalities to discuss them
designerlibrarian.wordpress.com designerlibrarian.wordpress.com
Getting students to follow their instructors’ blogs and other informal scholarly writings on the web is a great introduction to this knowledge practice.
ties to DoOO, connected courses
Maintain a wiki, blog, or other platform to share reflections, thoughts, and analyses of scholarly work in a given discipline, field, or research area.
Open practices to develop IL
Debate is much more effective at developing this knowledge practice than the more commonplace research papers on hot topics.
See Bryan Jackson's post on this. Not sure that this could be done in a one-shot though.
there is a big difference between someone who can intellectually describe what they SHOULD do, and actually practice what they preach
students know how they're supposed to answer questions of authority, but don't always do what they should