7 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2019
    1. inally,rhetoricalsituationscomeintoexistence,theneithermatureordecayormatureandpersist-conceivably,somepersistinde£nitely

      Can there be multiple rhetorical acts in one situation? And if a situation dissolves does the rhetoric also?

    2. nstJ;'Umentofreflection

      I think that this is an important aspect to distinguish here between action and reflection.

  2. Apr 2018
    1. It is in this sense that writing changes social reality and not only, as Lloyd Bitzer argues, in response to ex- igence.

      Writing changes social reality



  3. Apr 2017
    1. it really so easy, forexample, to distinguish between a speaker, an audience, a message, anda context?

      After last week, we can probably agree that "no"--it isn't. Vatz and Bitzer were talking inside the same "box," regarding the speaker, audience, and context as discrete parts, and the post-human is part of the movement which pushes us outside that box, wanting to argue that the parts are not, in fact, discrete.

    1. Thisisnotsaythatthemetaphorofthenetworkiserroneous,faulty,oreventobesuperceded.Rather,itistosuggestsomeofitslimitationsand,accordingly,someofitsadvantagesasametaphorlessdrivenbyconnectionandmoreresonantwithimmersion.Likethemetaphorofthenetwork,ambienceconnotesdistribution,co-adaptation,andemergence,butitaddsanemphasistotheconstitutiveroleoftheoverall,blendedenvironmentthatthenetworkdoesnot.

      Might the distinction between network and ambience here be parallel to the same distinction that Bitzer makes between context and situation?

    1. ThusBitzer'sclaimthat"'situation'isnotastandardterminthevocabularyofrhetoricaltheory"24ismisleading

      Yet the one thing all three of them seem to agree upon is that the very term "situation" is unclear. Bitzer seems right to say that there is no standard meaning, and Consigny seems awfully self-righteous, here, considering his point is essentially "he was right, but in the wrong way!"

  4. Jul 2016
    1. Whereas Bitzer suggests that the rhetor discovers exigencies that already exist, Vatz argues that exigencies are created for audiences through the rhetor's work.

      Bitzer="discovers" exigence. Vatz="created" exigence.