6 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. The downside ofthis approach is that a state vector must be transmittedwith every operation, where the size of the state vector isproportional to the number of users in a collaborative ses-sion.


    2. COT has a simplified design, as only onetransformation function must be defined


    3. The ideabehind COT is to save every received operation “as is” in adocument state and preprocess it afterwards given the op-eration context.




  2. Feb 2024
    1. To learn how to access the transcript for this video, see “YouTube transcript instructions (opens a new window)”

      The text here needs to be smaller and aligned with icon. Ex. From Fashion to Book.

  3. Jul 2022
    1. Tại sao gọi là thép râu câu tường? Thép râu tường hay còn gọi là bát thép râu tường, thép râu neo tường hoặc thép râu câu tường, thép râu cột, chúng có hình dạng hình chữ "L", bê mặt dập gân và có các lỗ để bắt vào tường, cột. Thép râu tường thường được làm từ nguyên liệu tôn kẽm loại 1, có độ dày 0.5 mm hoặc 0.7 mm, chiều dài 240 mm và 300 mm.

      Thép râu tường còn gọi là thép râu neo tường, thép râu câu tường, chúng dùng để khoan cấy thép râu tường chống nứt tại vị trí nối giữa tường và cột.

  4. Jun 2022
    1. The experts were asked to independently provide a comprehensive list of levers and leverage points for global sustainability, based on the potential for disproportionate effects to address and reverse the deterioration of nature while meeting societal needs. They were asked to consider actions by the full range of possible actors, and both top-down and bottom-up effects across various sectors. The collection of all responses became our initial set of levers and leverage points. Ensuing processes were then informed by five linked conceptualizations of transformative change identified by the experts (Chan et al., 2019): ● Complexity theory and leverage points of transformation (Levin et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2007; Meadows, 2009); ● Resilience, adaptability and transformability in social–ecological systems (Berkes, Colding, & Folke, 2003; Folke et al., 2010); ● A multi-level perspective for transformative change (Geels, 2002); ● System innovations and their dynamics (Smits, Kuhlmann, & Teubal, 2010; OECD, 2015) and ● Learning sustainability through ‘real-world experiments’ (Geels, Berkhout, & van Vuuren, 2016; Gross & Krohn, 2005; Hajer, 2011).

      Set of levers and leverage points identified by the authors.

      Creating an open public network for radical collaboration, which we will call the Indyweb, can facilitate bottom-up engagement to both educate the public on these levers as well as be an application space to crowdsource the public to begin sharing local instantiations of these levers.

      An Indyweb that is in the form of an interpersonal space in which each individual is the center of their data universe, and in which they can see all the data from their diverse digital interactions across the web and in real life all consolidated in one place offers a profound possibility for both individual and collective learning. Such an Indyweb would bring the relational nature of the human being, the so called "human INTERbeing" alive, and would effortlessly emerge the human INTERbeing explicitly as the natural form merely from its daily use. One can immediately see the relational nature of individual learning, how it is so entangled with collective learning, and would be reinforced with each social interaction on the web or in real life. This is what is needed to track both individual inner transformation (IIT) as well as collective outer transformation (COT) towards a rapid whole system change mobilization. Accelerated by a program of open access Deep Humanity (DH) knowledge that plumbs the very depth of what it is to be human, this can accelerate the indirect drivers of change and provide practical tools for granular monitoring of both IIT and COT.

      Could we use AI to search for levers and leverage points?