3 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2015
memex.naughtons.org memex.naughtons.org
h?Bb `mMbb?`THv +QmMi2` iQ i?2 T`2pBHBM; aBHB+QM oHH2v M``iBp2- r?B+? Bb 2bb2MiBHHvQM2 Q7i2+?MQHQ;B+H /2i2`KBMBbKĜ i?2 B/2 i?i i2+?MQHQ;v /`Bp2b ?BbiQ`vX
groups.google.com groups.google.com
When I share an annotation the link doesn't work for other people, only for me.
After several hours of waiting the email arrived
https://groups.google.com/a/hypothes.is/forum/#!topic/support/wQmnrKlgSqA because target URI truncates to https://groups.google.com/a/hypothes.is/forum/.