4 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2023
Another concern is that these emerging economies could be simply trapping themselves in more debt with these agreements.
- for: debt trap, economic colonialism, progress trap, JETP, UETP, Invesitgate, investigate - JETP
- progress trap
- in building out renewable infrastructure, these loans and grants may further increase debt to disenfranchised countries
- then it is no longer Just energy transition but becomes Unjust Energy Transition Partnerships (UETP)
- if not done right, JETP can turn into UETP
- This definitely requires further investigation!
- investigate
- whether JETP are REALLY JUST!
- for: climate financing, JETP, Just Energy Transition Partnerships
- summary
- Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETP) are happening in South Africa and also Indonesia, Vietnam, Senegal and possibly India.
- Will these actually happen? Will they be enough to avoid the highest risk of planetary tipping points?
Ramalope says they also don’t go far enough. “I think the weakness of JETPs is that they’re not encouraging 1.5 [degrees] Celsius,”
- for: 1.5 Deg target, JETP, JETP ambitions
- comment
- the JETPs do not go far enough. This is dangerous as it still allows significant amounts of fossil fuel emissions that will breach 1.5 Deg C and increase chances of breaching severe planetary tipping points
Just Energy Transition Partnerships, or JETPs, an attempt to catalyze global finance for emerging economies looking to shift energy reliance away from fossil fuels in a way that doesn’t leave certain people and communities behind.
- for: Just transition, Just Energy Transition, Just Energy Transition partnerships, JETP
How does JETP fit into the global transition in terms of:
- speed
- climate justice
- decolonialism
Is net zero enough?
- investigate
- just energy transition
- just transition
- question
- investigate - JETP
- just energy transition partnerships
- JETP - problems
- Progress trap - energy transition
- climate financing
- JETP - South Africa
- 1.5C challenge
- progress trap
- question - just energy transition plan