12 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2022
    1. Everyone else in that “saga” had more influence over the course of events than I did. The erroneous focus on me by the police led to an erroneous focus on me by the press, which shaped how I was presented to the world, and continues to shape how people treat me today. In prison, I had no control over my public identity, no voice in my own story

      Being behind bars Amanda had given an in-depth insight into how the media shaped her image even when leaving prison she dealt with many misconceptions from others. She felt having an identity of her own was near impossible, but with time she started to find herself again. I feel that Amanda is a strong brave warrior like so many others who have been through similar situations, being alive to help the world the world needing change with in its court system.

    2. am the American girl in that story, and if the Italian authorities had been more competent, I would have been nothing more than a footnote in a tragic story. But as in many wrongful convictions, the authorities formed a theory before the forensic evidence came in, and when that evidence indic

      Wrongful convictions are some things has been around for centuries. You would think that as time moves forward society would get right, but at times we realize no system is perfect. In Amanda's case, I sympathize with her a lot considering she felt like she was never really heard and felt authorities could not access the situation correctly. Considering the timing other factors such as lab results or evidence testing were not as accurate as they are now. It is because of situations like this that organizations such as Black Lives Matter or The Me too movement have surfaced to help authorities get the best results to hear others out.

  2. Nov 2021
    1. he figure above shows the percentage of respondents who got news about the coronavirus from each of those sources in the 24 hours before completing our survey.

      Wow! Just wow! According to the survey results the second leading source for people receiving information about coronavirus was Facebook. Its amazing how many would by pass an actual news station for a social engagement site. It makes me worry how much more false information they are getting about other events.

    2. Survey data can’t prove conclusively whether using Facebook affects vaccine acceptance and resistance. However, the data can indicate whether people who get their news from Facebook have higher or lower vaccination rates than those who don’t.

      I think that this statement is simpler than it presents itself, but ultimately one that has great value in truth. Ultimately with the information at hand, Facebook cannot speak on the vaccination rates to the entirety of America. But they can say whether those surveyed have been vaccinated or not. The survey should be met with scepticism.

    3. In fact, Facebook news consumers are less likely to be vaccinated than people who get their coronavirus information from Fox News.

      While I do believe this to be true, due to my own experiences with people who get their news solely from Facebook, there should be evidence to back this up. The article provides so much other data, so it seems odd that there isn't any here. This would be a very compelling statement otherwise.

    4. Survey data can’t prove conclusively whether using Facebook affects vaccine acceptance and resistance. However, the data can indicate whether people who get their news from Facebook have higher or lower vaccination rates than those who don’t.

      I think this is a really important point to make. Being completely honest about how data can't be 100% conclusive is a good practice in journalism. Readers feel more inclined to listen to what it being said when the author is being transparent.

    5. Respondents who get news about the coronavirus via Facebook are less likely to get vaccinated than the average American and than non-Facebook users. Sixty-one percent of those Facebook users said they had been vaccinated, vs. 68 percent of the eligible U.S. population and 71 percent of non-Facebook users. The relationship was stronger for those who said that they had received coronavirus news or information only from Facebook and not from any of the other sources mentioned. Sixteen percent of all respondents fall into this category, and only 47 percent of them report being vaccinated, with 25 percent saying they will not get vaccinated.

      I am very critical when it comes to surveys like this one because in my mind that it is not enough just to measure one website like Facebook. However, an agreement can be made that since Facebook is the largest social media platform and probably one of the platforms that is much more vocal on its opinions, I give it a pass. The information presented is well documented and it is interesting to find out that users of Facebook are less likely to get vaccinated and how it correlates to COVID related news of the platform. To me though it is not a surprise. Facebook is a cesspool of fake news right now and I just do not think it is a safe place to gather news on any topic at the moment.

    6. Even after accounting for demographic and other differences, we still find that getting coronavirus-related news from Facebook — especially when it’s exclusively from Facebook — is associated with lower vaccination levels and higher levels of vaccine resistance.

      This quote just further proves the point that Facebook is full of misinformation. Those that are relying solely on Facebook for the vaccine information are less likely to get the vaccine and much more likely to oppose it. Overall, Facebook is not a good source of information and will leave the readers with an unsure answer.

    7. People use Facebook for many reasons. Only some go to the platform specifically to get news and information about the coronavirus. These are the people the Biden administration worries are at risk of exposure to vaccine misinformation.

      Using only one source for information is already a risky issue. This is for a worldwide pandemic, so we should absolutely be reading multiple sources of information so that we can be fully informed. Those who just use websites like Facebook for the specific purpose of reading about the coronavirus are absolutely going to be exposed to misinformation. Facebook especially is not a place for expert opinions, therefore this is not a good place to find information. I agree, people who do this will be at risk of vaccine misinformation.

  3. Oct 2021
    1. Even the tiniest choices people make about how to refer to newsworthy events shape how they are perceived. And when real events serve as inspiration for fiction, that effect can be magnified and distorted.

      Amanda Knox faced scrutiny from every decision she was making at one point. This means that the media was in control of the way she was looking to the public. If there is someone out there that would know what it is like to have the media control their story, that would be Britney Spears. For many years, Britney was forced to deal with scrutiny from the media and the masses for just about every decision she was making. The media had painted her out to be this crazy and wild girl. Essentially, this article is a perfect example of how the media takes control and owns someone else's story. The media is very toxic and the way that they are able to control someone else's narrative is a scary thought.

    2. Prison had given me an appreciation for all the freedoms I’d taken for granted.

      I had not previously known Amanda Knox or the story that went along with her. I am very happy to have read it because I was instantly captivated and interested when reading. For me, I feel that prison had given her a sense of appreciation for normal life that she would have not otherwise had. She was so used to the way that her life was, that she was now appreciative of the freedoms and things that she would not have thought twice about before the situation.

      While I did not know Amanda Knox prior to reading this article, I am very impressed with her. She is a strong woman and the fact that she was able to make it through a tragic situation such as this and still thrive now speaks volumes. I have the belief that everything happens for a reason and maybe this was for her to become more appreciative of the things in her life.

    3. Does my name belong to me? Does my face? What about my life? My story? Why is my name used to refer to events I had no hand in? I return to these questions again and again because others continue to profit off my identity, and my trauma, without my consent. Most recently, there is the film Stillwater, directed by Tom McCarthy and starring Matt Damon and Abigail Breslin, which was, in McCarthy’s words, “directly inspired by the Amanda Knox saga.” How did we get here?

      Unfortunately, this is the world we live in today. Once something like a murder makes headline news different facts and opinions will spread like wildfire through media. A good example of this happening right now is the Gabby Petito murder case. So much is happening so fast that you can even begin to comprehend what is truth and fiction. I even had a coworker tell us that there were rumors her boyfriend was still alive. Me, personally, think that it is wrong when this is done because the media knows just as much as we do and we should not be jumping to conclusions. This is my first time hearing about Amanda Knox and it is very tragic that she was put into a situation where she felt her life does not really feel like it belongs to her anymore. It is scary to think about what kind of power the media has over us now days.