10 Matching Annotations
- May 2023
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
Stephen Davies, Javier Velez-Morales, & Roger King (2005), "Building the memex sixty years later: trends and directions in personal knowledge bases", Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado at Boulder. The Wikipedia article on personal knowledge bases (PKBs) is basically a summary of the technical report. The report defined personal knowledge base systems, described their benefits, reviewed relevant fields of research, and compared systems in terms of several aspects of their data models: structural framework, knowledge elements, schema, and the role of transclusion. This report is the most comprehensive publication I've read that compares PKB systems according to their key features.
- Nov 2021
www.funcionpublica.gov.co www.funcionpublica.gov.co
no pueden ser renunciados ni cedidos.
A. Reivindicar en todo tiempo la paternidad de su obra y, en especial, para que se indique su nombre o seudónimo cuando se realice cualquiera de los actos mencionados en el artículo 12 de esta Ley. B. A oponerse a toda deformación, mutilación u otra modificación de la obra, cuando tales actos puedan causar o acusen perjuicio a su honor o a su reputación, o la obra se demerite, y a pedir reparación por esto; C. A Conservar su obra inédita o anónima hasta su fallecimiento, o después de él cuando así lo ordenase por disposición testamentaria; D. A modificarla, antes o después de su publicación; E. A retirarla de la circulación o suspender cualquier forma de utilización aunque ella hubiere sido previamente autorizada.
Derechos Morales
- Nov 2015
Morales was born into the Aymara indigenous ethnic group in the Andean highlands, a group of people who tend to back roads, industry and economic development, said Tegel. But indigenous populations in the tropical part of the country, generally speaking, don’t want that, he said. “They want to a certain degree to be left alone. That doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t want economic development, but they want a different model and they want it done much more at a community level.” Economics is a huge issue in Bolivia — one of the poorest countries in Latin America — and a major driver in policy decisions, Tegel said. “That tension between his indigenous and environmental discourse and some of the projects he actually wants to do, including increasing mining in the country, is at the very least a paradox and something his critics are calling hypocritical.”
- Oct 2015
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Mr. Morales is also the first indigenous president of Bolivia, where 48 percent of the population declared themselves indigenous in the last census, and his government has proven itself adept at reconciling ancestral knowledge with economic modernization.
www.telesurtv.net www.telesurtv.net
EV: Decolonization means a lot to me, it means recuperating… our own path, something which we’ve been forced to lose, this [indigenous] path, this wisdom, this knowledge has been devalued, minimized as though it weren’t knowledge at all. And so now we are recuperated this, and we’re doing so in our own way. This for us is decolonization, a process which is done via the state but also via the social organizations, because this is an issue of how to organize, how to speak of our ancestral technologies. Yes, many things have been modernized, but in many cases we have a necessity to recuperate our own principles and values as indigenous peoples.
www.aljazeera.com www.aljazeera.com
Don't go against the natural world, natural law, go with Mother Earth. She has a certain way of doing things and when you start going against that there are no penalties or fines, there's only consequences when you go against natural law," Morales said.
www.economist.com www.economist.com
“Latin America has learnt to its cost what happens when presidents are allowed to perpetuate themselves in power,” says Óscar Ortiz, an opposition senator.
- Sep 2015
www.ticotimes.net www.ticotimes.net
Morales, the longest-serving president in South America, benefits from a fractured opposition that has failed to rally behind a single leader.
Reminiscent of 19th century Latin America we have discussed in class...
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
President Evo Morales’s backers are seeking to amend Bolivia’s Constitution so he can run for re-election in 2020. A plan finalized Tuesday night comes just eight months after Mr. Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, won a third term. He first took office in 2006. Mr. Morales’s supporters control the two-thirds of Congress needed to pass such legislation. After that, voters would decide in a referendum. Gustavo Aliaga, the farmworkers union leader, said Wednesday that the bill would be sent to Congress next week. Mr. Morales, an Aymara Indian who was born into poverty, is a leftist who has often clashed with the United States. Former President Jorge Quiroga said allowing another term would create a monarchy.
Evo Morales - President between the years 2006 and 2020?!