1 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2019
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.govuntitled1
This article considers active military members who participate in online distance learning environments. It examines the role of the instructor/facilitator of these learning experiences and suggests ways in which appropriate policy and practice can be developed that serve the needs of military learners
The article written by David Starr-Glass, who has over 10 years of experience in working with military personnel, provides a comprehensive review and research on how to engagement that group within online learning environments. The article tackles three components: the "personas" and roles that military personnel have (i.e. informal and formal); the typical stereotypes that can be adopted towards the military personnel; and the importance of adopting an andragogical approach in an online format. The article the concludes by reviewing general "rules of engagement" to impact the military learners, such as developing awareness, cultivating empathetic approaches of appreciation, and ensuring inclusiveness and diversity. (Rating: 9/10)