3 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
    1. Sieć sensomotoryczna obejmuje obszary funkcjonalne w pierwszorzędowej korze ruchowej, korze obręczy, korze przedruchowej i dodatkowym obszarze motorycznym.14 Obejmuje również korę pierwotną i czuciową w płacie ciemieniowym. Podczas gdy neuronauka zna lokalizacje regionów planowania motorycznego od końca XIX wieku, wykorzystując najnowsze Dane konektomiczne z projektu Human Connectome Project15 doprowadziła do bardziej anatomicznego zrozumienia motorycznych i somatycznych obszarów funkcjonalnych mózgu.   WIDOK OSIOWY WIDOK SAGITTAL WIDOK KORONALNY Bliskie interakcje z innymi sieciami mózgowymi Jako przetwornik mózgu, sieć sensomotoryczna ściśle współpracuje z innymi głównymi sieci mózgowe w celu realizacji kluczowych procesów. Działa równolegle: Podsieć słuchowa16 dla słuchu Układ wzrokowy17 dla wzroku Układ limbiczny dla zmysłu węchu18 i smak19 Sieć istotności do przetwarzania zachowań i nagród20 Centralna sieć wykonawcza do przetwarzania zadań21 Grzbietowa sieć uwagi do planowania i sterowania złożonymi funkcjami motorycznymi22,23 A także Sieć w trybie domyślnym w przypadku14 lub choroba psychiczna24 Razem poszczególne węzły w tych systemach mają wspólne funkcjonalne połączenia, które składają się na nasze zmysły i kierują naszymi działaniami. Jednak mogą również prowadzić do chorób psychicznych lub fizycznych, gdy stają się nadaktywne lub niedostateczn

      SMM - Sieć somatosensoryczna

  2. Apr 2022
    1. Which is the best company for Social Media Marketing Services

      We as a Social Media Marketing Services Delhi are not here to only amp up your page, yet also make it perceptible to the right group. Our gathering of experienced social media chiefs appreciate the round of consistently creating interest for digitization of brands.

      Our Social Media Marketing Services Delhi bunch is here to help you with frameworks and missions that not only will help your picture with creating support as well. We have confidence in keeping things fundamental, but huge. Indidigital targets getting a charge out of effective and clear correspondence for better results, and this has made us potentially the most longed for Social Media Marketing Services Delhi.

      Social media stages are magnificent and the most easy approach to reaching your assigned group and begin a two-way conversation. Indidigital, a top Social Media Marketing Services Delhi, have the crucial capacity, capacities, and data to make the right approach to help you with holding your clients by dependably giving them huge and engaging substance.

      Since various billion powerful social media clients are there, you ought to have a working and positive presence to collect your picture. These stages offer unprecedented potential for viral service of contacts and content. Being an assumed Social Media Marketing Services Delhi, indidigital will outfit you with zeroed in on and precisely arranged deals with serious consequences regarding tap into this 'Viral Power' for your business. Our social media marketing procedures are taken a stab at different services and reliably invigorated to walk around the propelling examples of social media.

      The whole world has moved to their mobile phones. Indidigital grasps that your "Picture SHOULD BE WHERE YOUR AUDIENCES ARE". Our SMM campaigns are planned to isolate your client responsibility across the stages. With our specific and focused administrations, we convey your picture clearly in assistance with your groups to make/increase allies who could change into leads. Our gathering continues to create to help what is happening of our service as the best Social Media Marketing Services Delhi, India.

      Indidigital is a gathering of innovative and indispensable Social Media Marketing Services Delhi. We will probably help out new companies, medium size business and brands to help them with filling in the automated world.


      To get in touch with INDIDIGITAL TEAM, contact at India contact #- +91-9971778006, USA Contact #- 1–8068484144, email us- contact@indidigital.com, skype us- indidigital, indidigital@gmail.com For more visit our website: https://www.indidigital.in/

  3. Jan 2022
    1. Digital marketing or online marketing is the promotional method for a business or brands and how to introduce products or services to potential customer by utilize the internet and variety of digital communication. The tools are such as email, social media, and website or blog advertising, text and multi media messages (messenger) as a marketing channel. Whatever it is, if a marketing and advertising program use digital communication tool then we call it as digital marketing. Digital marketing had been bypassing all marketing efforts and strategies that use gadget, electronic device and internet all around. And the great person behind digital marketing concept and strategy is Philip Kotler (Chicago IL USA).

      What is Digital Marketing?

      Digital marketing or online marketing is the promotional method for a business or brands and how to introduce products or services to potential customer by utilize the internet and variety of digital communication. The tools are such as email, social media, and website or blog advertising, text and multi media messages (messenger) as a marketing channel. Whatever it is, if a marketing and advertising program use digital communication tool then we call it as digital marketing. Digital marketing had been bypassing all marketing efforts and strategies that use gadget, electronic device and internet all around. And the great person behind digital marketing concept and strategy is Philip Kotler (Chicago IL USA).

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