1 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
You can see that it truly, completely, means getting yourself out of the way. This is the grand lesson. Do not be afraid of being “out of control.” So many times people feel that if they are out of control, they will be wide open to being controlled by other entities, forces, or powers. But the omnipresent I Am—the infinite, divine Mind that constitutes the Being of every being that be’s—is the only Presence and Power which can exert and manifest Itself, and be the center and circumference—the Alpha and Omega. Therefore, such concepts or beliefs are groundless, and one need never be afraid to let go and say and be the statement, “Thy Will be done.“
.t:TWBD - teaching: Thy Will be Done.
The grand Lesson to learn to let go of control and allow Being to flow through and direct the movement of my life. Fear is a barrier against allowing this because of my Belief that will open myself to the manipulation of others.
This is the grand lesson - indeed. Take a deep breath and walk on - with Trust and allowance and patience and love and courage putting conscious awareness of Being first - using that as the guide.