- Mar 2024
Local file Local file
To be now a sensible man, byand by a fool, and presently a beast! Oh, strange!Every inordinate cup is unblessed and the ingredient isa devil.
Blaming the outside object, in fact, Jesus's blood for his downfall. No, Iago and Jesus' blood only made him.more honest and "beast-like", living. Innocent.
- Jun 2023
healthyselfesteem.org healthyselfesteem.org
It is quite “normal,” and human, to not enjoy making mistakes! That is why we often feel embarrassed, deny their existence, and/or blame others for our errors. We believe that the best way is to admit your mistakes, learn from them and take corrective action. After all, a mistake is a mistake – no more, no less.
some thoughts i have on this:
- personally, i find that the biggest challenge on admitting mistakes is people defining you by a single mistake and constantly bringing it up in similar future situations. there is this fear of being stuck with this identity or perception from others and it can be quite daunting.
i wonder if this is so because we often derive our understanding of ourselves through other people's perspectives. consequently, when they see us as failures in certain departments, we might easily adopt that belief too.
this is in connection with the "spyglass self" where we view ourselves through others' eyes and shape and our identities accordingly.
- a fascinating detail i noticed when faced with admitting a mistake is how we often shift the blame or focus onto others to avoid this uncomfortable and inconvenient situation. this behavior is interesting to me considering our pursuit of self-improvement and goodness. in these instances, empathy and compassion seem to vanish as self-preservation takes priority.
this is a great instance in which we become trapped in our own thoughts, creating a dangerous bubble where only our well-being seem to matter. the contrast between this self-centered mindset and our usual desire for growth presents an interesting aspect of human nature.
- Feb 2021
onezero.medium.com onezero.medium.com
identity theft
Saw this while scrolling through quickly. Since I can't meta highlight another hypothesis annotation
identity theft
I hate this term. Banks use it to blame the victims for their failure to authenticate people properly. I wish we had another term. —via > mcr314 Aug 29, 2020 (Public) on "How to Destroy ‘Surveillance C…" (onezero.medium.com)
This is a fantastic observation and something that isn't often noticed. Victim blaming while simultaneously passing the buck is particularly harmful. Corporations should be held to a much higher standard of care. If corporations are treated as people in the legal system, then they should be held to the same standards.
- Oct 2018
Local file Local file
Rape myths and the acceptance of those rape myths are a huge reason why many people do not believe that anyone, despite their history, can be a potential rape vic
The reason why rape cannot be taken seriously.