5 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
  2. Apr 2024
    1. This implies that any correct run of the imple-mentation that stutters indefinitely has infinitely many opportunities to activatethe specification. Under the standard assumption that an opportunity that ispresented infinitely often is eventually seized, a live implementation does notdeadlock as it eventually activates the specification.
  3. Nov 2023
    1. Preventing thread switching itself seems difficult on JVM, and would feel like a hack at best + potential for deadlocks.
    1. If another thread encounters a constant it must autoload, this can cause a deadlock.
    2. If this were to occur in a "child" thread, with a waiting parent inside the Executor, it would cause an unavoidable deadlock: the reload must occur before the child thread is executed, but it cannot be safely performed while the parent thread is mid-execution.