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- Last 7 days
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Eric Holthaus sieht die Feuer in Los Angeles als Symbole einer neuen Ära komplexer Klimakatastrophen. Nie zuvor haben Bedingungen wie jetzt in Kalifornien geherrscht. So gab es in Kalifornien nach dem ersten tropischen Sturm der Geschichte die bisher längste Trockenphase. Zum jetzt ausgebrochenen Sturm trugen vermutlich auch Veränderungen des Jet Streams bei https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/jan/09/los-angeles-wildfires-climate-disasters
Kapitel zu Compound Events im Climate Assessment der Biden-Administration 2023: https://nca2023.globalchange.gov/chapter/focus-on-1/
- Aug 2023
www.advancedfictionwriting.com www.advancedfictionwriting.com
If you believe in the Three-Act structure, then the first disaster corresponds to the end of Act 1. The second disaster is the mid-point of Act 2. The third disaster is the end of Act 2, and forces Act 3 which wraps things up. It is OK to have the first disaster be caused by external circumstances, but I think that the second and third disasters should be caused by the protagonist’s attempts to “fix things”. Things just get worse and worse.
Interesting and specific advice about the source of disasters in act two...
- Feb 2023
www.wnycstudios.org www.wnycstudios.org
- Aug 2020
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
A first step in establishing a shared interdisciplinary language is to understand how different disciplines develop their own dialects