4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. for - Youtube - Digital Drip: The Imperceptible Flows of E-Waste - Filip Vedra - WS23 Planet B UMPRUM - 2025, Jan - adjacency - Deep Humanity - sensory bubble - social norm of producer-consumer split and alienation - spread by Industrial Revolution - hyperobjects - source - Youtube - Digital Drip: The Imperceptible Flows of E-Waste - Filip Vedra - WS23 Planet B UMPRUM - 2025, Jan

      // - comment - An insightful documentary that examines the social norm amplified by the Industrial Revolution, - the producer-consumer split and resulting alienation - Globalization has further exasperated this as global supply chains are hyperobjects which no individual can truly sense the scale of

  2. Mar 2023
  3. Jun 2021
    1. Then, scale. Pollock's choice of enormous canvases served many purposes, chief of which for our discussion is that his mural-scale paintings ceased to become paintings and became environments.

      Pollock wanted to create a world for his audience within an artwork and merge his paintings and audiences, which also makes a kind of separateness when people look at his works, reminding me of Barnett Newman. It is very interesting to learn more about some artists’ concepts, and I also noticed that his unique creation method of "drip painting" is very free and unfettered, which represents his unique artistic style.

  4. Mar 2020
    1. Subsurface drip irrigation provides the ultimate in water use efficiency for open-field agriculture, often resulting in water savings of 25-50% compared to flood irrigation