2 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2022
super-memory.com super-memory.com
However, the great advantage of enumerations over sets is that they are ordered and they force the brain to list them always in the same order. An ordered list of countries contains more information than the set of countries that can be listed in any order. Paradoxically, despite containing more information, enumerations are easier to remember.
Enumerations are sets with a particular order. The fact that they have an order, in which each item might be associated with the next, makes them easier to remember.
The greater information in an enumeration provides additional structure which makes the items easier to remember.
You should avoid such items whenever possible due to the high cost of retaining memories based on sets.
Piotr Wozniak recommends against avoiding memorizing sets and prefers enumerations.
Is this a result of his not knowing the method of loci as a means of travelling through sets and remembering them easily? It's certainly evidence he wasn't aware of the as a general technique.
He does mention peg techniques, mind maps, and general mnemonic techniques.